Thursday, July 20, 2017

LWVPRA members attend new citizens ceremonies in Fergus Falls

LWVPRA members Florence Hedeen and Annamae Holtzworth attended the new citizen ceremonies in Fergus Falls last week.  Fergus Falls does not have local League of Women Voters so members from The League of Women Voters MN came to registers voters.   Following the Ceremony a news reporter with the Fergus Falls paper asked if she could interview the league members.  We gathered for lunch at a local restaurant and Judy Stuthman, who began the LWV Minnesota's efforts to register voters at these Ceremonies 20 years ago, spoke on behalf of our efforts. She reminded people that  anyone age 16 or older, including men, can be a League member.  It was a moving ceremony. 

Below is the link to the Fergus Falls Journal article on the ceremony.

 Magistrate Judge Leo I. Brisbois opens the Ceremony acknowledging the new citizens long road to citizenship and that they may be better educated on what they are becoming a part of than those of us who were born and raised here.

 A new citizen examining her Certificate of Citizenship

20 new citizens declare their Oath of Allegiance

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