Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Native American Heritage Month November 2016

The month of November was designated as Native American Heritage Month by President George H. W. Bush in 1990. 

Consult to learn more about this designation and to connect to sites containing photographs, art, audio, exhibits and collections representing the many Native American tribes of the United States. 

Kitchigami Regional Public Library & League of Women Voters Park Rapids, along with Neegonee Bruner, Culture Teacher at Pine Point and 21st Century Coordinator, Mike Swan, Donette Larson, Indian Education Coordinator, Park Rapids Schools, and author/storyteller Barry Babcock, and artist Simon Zornes present the following activities: 
Friday, November 4, 2016 @ 10:30, preschool story hour with special guest, Anishinabe Native storyteller Mike Swan. (At the Park Rapids Public Library) Adults welcome, snack for the children. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016 @ 1:30, artist Simon Zornes will present some of his stone carvings. He will also talk about the lunar calendar and the 13 scales on the turtles back and the changing seasons. He will be bringing some of his native harvest for sale, wild rice, maple syrup and wild plum jelly. Program presented at the Park Rapids Public Library

Saturday, November 12, 2016 @ 1:30 Dancers Star Norcross and Teresita Bruner will perform Jingle Dance, Hoop Dance and Shawl Dance in the basement meeting room of the Public Library. Participants will learn more about the dances as well as hearing about the construction of the regalia. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 4:30 PM at the Park Rapids Public Library Community Room. Dream-catchers, a story by Audrey Osofsky, for story-time, snack, and make your own dream-catcher necklace.  No cost to participants. Must be 4th grade and older to make the necklace. Neegonee Bruner and students from Pine Point school will present and instruct in making the necklace. Adults welcome. 

Friday, November 18, 2016 at 10:30 at the Park Rapids Public Library, preschool story hour with Susan Bearden presenting a Native American Tale. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016 at 1:30 PM at the NORTHWOODS BANK community room, Barry Babcock will present a talk on “The Teachings of the Seven Grandfathers”. Mr. Babcock learned these traditional native beliefs through his friendship with Larry Stillday, spiritual leader of Red Lake, who taught that all life is interconnected and interdependent. Mr. Babcock will offer a different perspective on wildlife through these traditional native beliefs. Mr. Babcock will also have along his book, Teachers in the Forest, Essays from the last wilderness in Mississippi Headwaters Country. 

In addition, there will be bulletin board displays on Native American History as well as some current information. 
Book lists with readings on Native American History will be available for adults and children. 

Patrons will notice many of the usual signs throughout the library will be posted also in Ojibwe during this month.   Come see if you can read, pronounce some basic Ojibwe. 

Art work created by the children at Pine Point School will be on display on the bulletin board in the Children’s section of the library. (mid- November) 

Hope everyone can find a time to join us for a couple of the programs.  It will be an exciting month.  

Candidate forum for Hubbard County Commissioner District 4

On October 24, 2016 LWV Park Rapids with our partners Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, and Akeley Community Center,  hosted a candidate forum for Hubbard County Commissioners in District 4.  We had a great turn out and very good questions.  As always there were many more questions than we got a chance to ask.  We encourage everyone to call or email the candidates with your questions. 

Also thank you so much to The Music Shop on Main Street for lending us the extra microphones we needed for the forum.

Candidates in tonight’s forum are: 

 Challenger, Akeley Mark Peterson 651.343.5727

 Dan Stacey, Akeley (Incumbent) 218.252.9255 

Precincts in District 4 are: 
Cities of Akeley and Laporte
Townships of 

  • Akeley, 
  • Guthrie,
  • Hart Lake, 
  • Hendrickson, 
  • Lakeport, 
  • Mantrap,
  • Steamboat River 
  • Thorpe

The moderator for the forum was Florence Hedeen, member of LWVPRA

Link to youtube video of candidate forum here

Friday, October 21, 2016

MN Senate District 2 / MN House District 2A & 2B Candidate forum

On October 18, 2016 LWV Park Rapids with our partners Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, Northwoods Bank and  LWV Detroit Lakes hosted a candidates forum for the Senate and House District 2.  We had a great turn out and very good questions.  As always there were many more questions than we got a chance to ask.  We encourage everyone to call or email the candidates with your questions. 

Also thank you so much to The Music Shop on Main Street for lending us the extra microphones we needed for the forum.

Candidates in tonight’s forum are:

Senate District 2:

House District 2A:

House District 2B:
The moderator for the forum was Terry Kalil: LWVMN state president and member of LWV Detroit Lakes

Click here to view entire LWV Park Rapids candidate forum.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Menahga School Board Candidate Forum: 2016

On Tuesday October 11, 2016  LWV Park Rapids Area held a candidate forum for the candidates for the Menahga School board. 

Candidates in tonight’s forum for Menahga School Board (three positions to be filled) are:

  • Brad Goehrig (Incumbent) 218.732.7558

  • Curtis Hasbargen (Incumbent) 218.564.4235
  • Julia Kicker 218.564.5556
  • Robert E. Smith 218.640.7919
  • Jon Kangas also is on the ballot 218.255.1952

Watch the full video here

LWV Park Rapids is responsible for taking this video..Our technical skills and equipment are still in the learning phrase.  We apologize for any poor quality and if the sound is not always the best. Our hope is that the citizens of Menahga who could not attend the forum can view this video to help them become more informed voters.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Menahga Mayor/ City Council Candidate Forum

On Thursday evening, Oct 13, 2016..LWV Park Rapids Area hosted a candidate forum for the Mayor and City Council Elections in Menahga.

The candidates featured in the forum are:

Menahga Mayor 

Patrick Foss (Incumbent) 218.564.4095

Jensine Kurtti 218.255.1971

Special Election for Council
(one position to be filled)

Maxine (Norman) McNeece    218.255.0104

Kim Rasmussen (Incumbent) 218.564.5091

View the full forum here

LWV Park Rapids is responsible for taking this video..Our technical skills and equipment are still in the learning phrase.  We apologize for the poor quality and if the sound is not always the best. Our hope is that the citizens of Menahga who could not attend the forum can view this video to help them become more informed voters.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Absentee Ballots are available now

If you requested an absentee ballot, you should have received it by now.  Absentee Voting started on September 23rd.  

You can still request a ballot to be sent to you or you can go to your local court house and vote absentee in person.  Minnesota has a no excuse policy, so if you don't think you will be able to get to the polls on Nov early. 

Now is a good time to check what is on your ballot: 
 click here to get a sample ballot

There are 2 statewide races on the ballot:  One a Supreme Court Justice election and the other a Constitutional Amendment.  Click the Local Voter Information tab above to see details. (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page)

In Hubbard County there is one county commissioners race in District 4:  (District 4 Serves: Akeley (City & Township), Lakeport, Laporte City, Steamboat River, Mantrap, Thorpe, Guthrie, Hart Lake and Hendrickson). 

Click on the Candidate Forum tab above to see the 5 candidate forums that LWV Park Rapids is presenting.  Hopefully all the technology works correctly to post a video of each forum within a couple of days of each forum.  Check back on this website for the links.  

If you have voting questions call or email the Secretary Of State Office,  your county courthouse or email LWV Park Rapids