Monday, August 26, 2019

Census 2020

LWV PRA members/supporters are urged to attend and learn more about the Census.  The following message was prepared for use by the Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning publicity on this program.  HCLL will present a program on Tuesday September 10, 2019 at the Park Rapids Theater at 1 pm on Census 2020. Sarah Priest, Census Partner Specialist, Duluth Area, will be the featured speaker
The League of Women Voters Park Rapids Area (LWV PRA) is partnering with Hubbard County, the City of Park Rapids and Park Rapids Schools, in an effort to increase area participation in the 2020 Census.  

Through the local Complete Count Committee (CCC) we intend to share informational flyers and applications for persons wishing to assist in ensuring a complete Census count for Hubbard County. 

The League, along with the CCC, will be physically present with Census materials at public gatherings that attract hard-to-reach populations and answer questions from persons who may not understand the mechanics of gathering Census data and the use of the collected Census data. 

Then On September 11, Complete Count Committee training with Sarah Priest, Census Partner Specialist, Duluth Area, will be held locally. Anyone who is interested in learning more about this opportunity may contact Florence Hedeen,  CCC Coordinator, LWV PRA,, or at 218-732-9226. 
