Wednesday, July 10, 2019

At the last business meeting on June 12th.. we had 2 of our newer members step forward.   Joel Vohres and Judy Stenger will take over as President and Vice President...Thank you both so much for being willing to take this on, This will  protect our non profit status.

We also have Carol Moen as our new membership chair, Barb Wiebesick  as our new voter registration co chair and Joel will also take over as our Action Chair.

All of our new chairs will be in learning mode for the next the rest of our members need to step forward and offer encouragement and support their efforts.

President and Vice President/Co-President: No candidates have volunteered for these positions, and Carolynne is retiring. She has volunteered to train/help, but we need a couple people to step up.
Treasurer: Sue Cutler will be completing her second year of a 2 year term.
Secretary: Anna Mae Holzworth will be completing her second year of a 2 year term.
Nominations committee chair: Bill Steen and Rhoda Jackson have volunteered & Carter Hedeen will stay on
Membership committee chair: Carol Moen has volunteered.
Action committee chair: Joel Vorhes has volunteered
Voter forum committee chair: CC White has volunteered.
Voter registration committee chair: Barb Wiebesick has volunteered.
Planning and Events Committee: Florence Hedeen has volunteered

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