Monday, October 10, 2016

Absentee Ballots are available now

If you requested an absentee ballot, you should have received it by now.  Absentee Voting started on September 23rd.  

You can still request a ballot to be sent to you or you can go to your local court house and vote absentee in person.  Minnesota has a no excuse policy, so if you don't think you will be able to get to the polls on Nov early. 

Now is a good time to check what is on your ballot: 
 click here to get a sample ballot

There are 2 statewide races on the ballot:  One a Supreme Court Justice election and the other a Constitutional Amendment.  Click the Local Voter Information tab above to see details. (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page)

In Hubbard County there is one county commissioners race in District 4:  (District 4 Serves: Akeley (City & Township), Lakeport, Laporte City, Steamboat River, Mantrap, Thorpe, Guthrie, Hart Lake and Hendrickson). 

Click on the Candidate Forum tab above to see the 5 candidate forums that LWV Park Rapids is presenting.  Hopefully all the technology works correctly to post a video of each forum within a couple of days of each forum.  Check back on this website for the links.  

If you have voting questions call or email the Secretary Of State Office,  your county courthouse or email LWV Park Rapids

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