An increasingly discussed topic for schools, law enforcement, even in the workplace is our mental health services around the state and in Hubbard County. Many of the service providers are caught in their own “silos” and people do not know how to navigate between the silos. How can we bring all the stakeholders together to improve not only people’s lives but our community? In 2016 The Governor’s Task Force on Mental Health was established to provide the Governor and Legislature with comprehensive recommendations to improve Minnesota’s mental health system. (to read the entire report visit:
find out about the conclusions and recommendations from the Task Force
and their impact on Hubbard County join League of Women Voters Park
Rapids Area on May 23, 2017 at Riverside United Methodist Church in Park
Rapids. Sign in and coffee will start at 6 pm with the program
starting at 6:30 pm.
will hear from Bruce Sutor, MD, is a Consultant and Assistant Professor
of Psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He has been
Practice Chair for the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology at Mayo
since 2011 and in 2016 was appointed to the Governor’s Task Force For
Mental Health. He spent his summers at the family cabin on Lake Emma.
Presently he and his wife Shari now have a vacation home on Big Sand
Dr. Sutor’s presentation, we will hear from Danielle (Norby) Lien, a
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with A Better Connection
Inc. in Park Rapids. Ms Lien will tell us what is the county’s current
situation with mental health systems. She will also outline some of the
plans being worked on by the Community Facilitation Task Force to
improve the county’s response to mental health issues.
of Women Voters Park Rapids Area (LWVPRA), a non-partisan volunteer
organization, whose mission is to encourage informed and active
participation in government and influence public policy through
education and advocacy. Please direct any questions about LWVPRA
activities, events or on how to join LWVPRA ( remember its not for women
only) by emailing Follow our activities, events on our website: