Friday, February 28, 2025

Can a President Do That ?

 This was a very informative program: Click on the link below to view the video recording.

Understanding Executive Power and State Protections

Recorded Tuesday, February 25
Many of us are wondering: Can the President do that? What actions can the President take without Congress? Can executive orders override the U.S. Constitution? And most importantly, how do Minnesota’s state and local laws protect our civil rights, voting rights, and environment from federal overreach?

University of Minnesota Law School Professor Alan Rozenshtein will break down how our federalist system balances power and how we can use state and local authority to safeguard an inclusive democracy.  Michelle Witte, Executive Director, League of Women Voters of Minnesota, will moderate our discussion and also share specific ideas for action that we can all take to support our democratic institutions and protect vulnerable populations in our local communities.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how we can navigate and defend our rights in an evolving political landscape!


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Polling Places in Hubbard County: with lists of township candidates

This information is from the Park Rapids Enterprise, Wednesday Oct 30th. (to read the whole article) We are fortunate to have a local newspaper to gather information on the most local of our elections.  

If you have questions about election procedures, call or email:

Kay Rave
Hubbard County Auditor

You can also email LWV Park Rapids Area at

  • Akeley City:  Akeley City Hall, 25 Broadway St. E.
  • Laporte City: This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • Nevis City: Nevis City Administration Building, 102 Main St. W.
  • Park Rapids City P-1 and P-2: Park Rapids City Council chambers, 212 2nd St. W.

Township election candidates and polling locations are as follows:

  • Akeley Township P-1 and P-2: Allen Poncelet and Loren Kramer are running unopposed for two supervisor seats, and Charlotte Negen seeks reelection as treasurer. These are mail ballot precincts: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • Arago Township: Kristie Edelman and Eric Ramlo are running in a special election for supervisor. Lance Barnum seeks reelection to a second open seat. Arago Town Hall, 10244 County 41, Park Rapids.
  • Badoura Township: Theora Goodrich seeks reelection as supervisor. Raymond Peterson seeks reelection as supervisor, with Mark Keller as a challenger. Polls are open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Badoura Town Hall, 28915 150th St., Akeley. 
  • Clay Township: Andy Kietzman is running for supervisor, and Brandi Ward for treasurer. This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • Clover Township: LaDonne Edelman is running for supervisor, and Andrea Moore for treasurer. Polls are open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Clover Town Hall, 10404 310th St., Park Rapids.
  • Crow Wing Lake Township: Crow Wing Lake Town Hall, 13013 Blackberry Dr., Nevis.
  • Farden Township: Tim Humphrey seeks a supervisor seat, and Laurel Schummer is running for clerk. Farden Town Hall, 49702 315th Ave., Cass Lake.
  • Fern Township: Fern Town Hall, 47977 129th Ave., Becida.
  • Guthrie Township: Bryan Delaney and Russell Nickerson are running in a contested race for supervisor, while Ryan Johnson is unopposed for another seat. Guthrie Community Center, 44255 Rail Rd., Laporte.
  • Hart Lake Township: Hart Lake Town Hall, 43953 County 45, Laporte.
  • Helga Township: Earl Dagestad Jr. and Harrison Hicks are running unopposed for two supervisor seats. Helga Township Community Center, 25895 County 9, Bemidji.
  • Hendrickson Township: Donald Tomlinson and Dale Buness are running unopposed for two supervisor seats. No candidates filed for a third seat. This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • Henrietta Township: Perry Melbo, Duane Goeden and Tina Melott seek reelection to three supervisor seats. Henrietta Town Hall, 19401 State Hwy. 226, Park Rapids. 
  • Hubbard Township: James Kujawa and Kimberly Thompson seek reelection to two supervisor seats. Hubbard Community Center, 12141 County 6, Park Rapids.
  • Lake Alice Township: Lance Edelman and Wesley Edelman seek reelection to two supervisor seats. Kelly Foy seeks reelection as treasurer. Becky Miller is running unopposed for clerk. This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids. 
  • Lake Emma Township: Brian Long and Tony Platz seek reelection as supervisors. Nanette Iles seeks reelection as clerk, and Krystina Rice as treasurer. Lake Emma Town Hall, 18264 Half Moon Rd., Park Rapids.
  • Lake George Township: Burton Manz and Henry Kahlstorf seek reelection to two supervisor seats. Wendy Bittman seeks reelection as treasurer. Lake George Town Hall, 37137 U.S. Hwy. 71, Lake George.
  • Lake Hattie Township: Polls are open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Lake Hattie Town Hall, 42229 County 3, Laporte.
  • Lakeport Township P-1 and P-2: Joshua Eisenbarth is running unopposed for  supervisor. Lakeport Town Hall, 160 County 39 SW, Laporte.
  • Mantrap Township: Kimberly Olson seeks reelection as supervisor. No candidates filed for the position of clerk. Mantrap Town Hall, 23494 240th St., Nevis.
  • Nevis Township: Tom Walz seeks reelection as supervisor, and Pat Hrubes as clerk. Nevis City Administration Building, 102 Main St. W., Nevis.
  • Rockwood Township: Paul Brewinski and Charles Cole seek reelection to two supervisor seats. Kari Strowbridge seeks reelection as treasurer. Polls are open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Rockwood Town Hall, 16962 County 9, Bemidji.
  • Schoolcraft Township: Michael Studanski seeks reelection as supervisor, with James Card as a challenger. Melissa Schmidtke seeks reelection as treasurer. This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • Steamboat River Township P-1 and P-2: Paul Koring and Russell Schoeck seek reelection to two supervisor seats and Tom Knight as clerk. This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • Straight River Township: Straight River Town Hall, 11971 129th Ave., Menahga. 
  • Thorpe Township: No candidates filed for a supervisor position. Janet Dixon seeks reelection as clerk-treasurer. This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • Todd Township P-1 and P-2: Robert Meier seeks reelection as supervisor and Pat Cadreau as clerk. Law Enforcement Center (lower level), 203 Court Ave., Park Rapids.
  • White Oak Township: Michaeld Bates seeks reelection as supervisor and Marlys Lehn as treasurer. This is a mail ballot precinct: Hubbard County Auditor’s Office, 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Video Link for the Menahga School Board Candidate Fourm (2024)

On Monday October 14th, 2024 the League of Women Voters Park Rapids Area hosted a candidate forum for the Menahga School Board. There are 4 candidates running and voters need to vote for three: 

Candidates for School Board are:
Julia Kicker
Cherie Peterson
Helen Lehto
Sara Makela 


Thank you to our co-sponsors
Park Rapids Enterprise
Review Messenger

Thank you to Menahga Public Schools for
the use of the library and the helping in
setting up.

And to all our volunteers
from the LWV Park Rapids

Monday, October 7, 2024

Announcing Candidate Forums in Menahga, MN

The League of Women Voters Park Rapids Area will hold a Candidate Forum for all candidates for the Menahga District 821 School Board and Menahga City Council & Mayor on October 14th beginning at 6:00 pm. It will be held at Menahga High School Library, 216 Aspen Ave SE, Menahga, MN.  We will start with the school board at 6 pm and hold the city council/ mayor starting at 7:15 pm

The purpose of the Candidate Forum is to give Menahga voters an opportunity to hear their candidates discuss the issues of importance to them in this election. The candidates that have filed for and have been invited to the forum are:

  • Mayor:  Jody Bjornson,  Tim Ellingson
  • City Council: James Kraskey, Durwin Tomperi, Keith Waaraniemi, (vote for 2)
  • School Board: Julia Kicker, Cherie Peterson, Helen Lehto, Sara Makela
    (vote for 3)

The event is free and open to the public. The candidates will answer written questions from the public during this moderated event.

Voters have two opportunities to submit questions to the candidates. Written questions will be accepted throughout the forum. Also voters are encouraged to submit questions via email by Saturday October 12th to LWV Park Rapids Area email:

By League of Women Voter policy, the identity of the person asking the question is confidential. Any questions submitted via email will remain confidential with all identifying information removed before the event. The email option for submitting questions creates an opportunity for voters to ask questions in a more private manner because it guarantees anonymity. All questions are screened by a neutral committee to ensure that questions are applicable to all candidates, are forward looking, not personal in nature, and are addressed to subjects relevant to this forum.

League of Women Voter Candidate Forums follow the nonpartisan, unbiased and impartial format established by the League of Women Voters Minnesota. LuAnn Hurd-Lof and Carolynne White, both LWVPRA members, will moderate the forum. The League does not support or oppose political parties or candidates for public office.

Specific rules governing the Candidate Forum were given to each candidate along with information on how to prepare for the Forum.  We will be audio and video recording this Forum and making it available to voters on YouTube.
If you have any questions about this forum, please email 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Nevis City Council Candidate Forum Video Link

On October 2nd, League of Women Voters Park Rapids Area held a forum for the Nevis City Council. The four candidates who have filed for 2 positions on the City Council are:

  • Jamie Caughey, (participating)
  • Teresa Leshovsky,(participating)
  • Mark Koebnick (unable to attend)
  • Mary Carrier.(unable to attend)

Sue Gray is running unopposed for mayor and makes a statement at the end of this video.   

You can view the full video from this link: 

If you have any questions about the race or voting, please contact

If you have questions about positions the candidates expressed, please contact them directly. 



Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Announcing: Nevis City Council Candidate Forum: Oct 2nd

The League of Women Voters Park Rapids Area will hold a Candidate Forum for all candidates for the Nevis City Council on October 2nd beginning at 6:00 pm. It will be held at Nevis City Council Chambers, 102 Main Street West, Nevis, MN. 

The purpose of the Candidate Forum is to give City of Nevis voters an opportunity to hear their candidates discuss the issues of importance to them in this election.

 The candidates that have filed for Nevis City Council are: 

Jamie Caughey,
Teresa Leshovsky,
Mark Koebnick
Mary Carrier.
Sue Gray is running unopposed for mayor.   

The event is free and open to the public. The candidates will answer written questions from the public during this moderated event.

Voters attending the forum have two opportunities to submit questions to the candidates. Written questions will be accepted throughout the forum. Voters encouraged to submit questions via email by Sunday September 29th to LWV Park Rapids Area email:

By League of Women Voter policy, the identity of the person asking the question is confidential. Any questions submitted via email will remain confidential with all identifying information removed before the event. The email option for submitting questions creates an opportunity for voters to ask questions in a more private manner because it guarantees anonymity. All questions are screened by a neutral committee to ensure that questions are applicable to all candidates, are forward looking, not personal in nature, and are addressed to subjects relevant to this forum.

League of Women Voter Candidate Forums follow the nonpartisan, unbiased and impartial format established by the League of Women Voters Minnesota. LuAnn Hurd-Lof, an LWVPRA member will moderate the forum. The League does not support or oppose political parties or candidates for public office.

Specific rules governing the Candidate Forum were given to each candidate along with information on how to prepare for the Forum.  We will be audio and video recording this Forum and making it available to voters on YouTube.
If you have any questions about this forum, please email 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Absentee/Early Voting for the November Ballot start 9/20/24


Absentee/Early Voting has been a reliable way to vote in Minnesota for over a century. Absentee Voting is secure and convenient.

    As of June 1, state residents can ask to be added to a Permanent Absentee Voter List. People on the list will automatically receive a ballot in the mail for all national, state and local elections for which they are eligible to vote.
    You can ask to be added to this list when you register to vote. If you are already a registered voter, you can update your information and ask to be added to the list. Registering and updating can be done online at You can also download a paper application from the Secretary of State website.

Another option to register or update your voting preference is in person at your County Election Office. You will need a Minnesota driver’s license or State ID card.

Absentee/Early ballots can be used to vote by mail or in person. Early voting for the Nov. 5 General Election starts Sept. 20.

  • In Minnesota mailed ballots must be received, (not just postmarked), on or before Election Day.
  • Absentee ballots cannot be accepted at your local polling place on Election Day. If you have not turned in your absentee ballot before election day (Nov 5th), you should destroy that absentee ballot and go to your precinct to vote in person. ( The roster at your precinct will note that you have not turned in an absentee ballot)
  • We have 9 Precincts that are Mail In-Ballot Precincts in Hubbard County. The courthouse is their precinct polling place. They can come in person to vote on Nov 5th starting at 7 am and closing at 8pm.   You can also drop that completed ballot off at the courthouse even on election day until 8 pm.
  • Any ballots received after Nov 5th will not be counted.

Absentee and Early voting in Minnesota is very secure. When your ballot is received by the County Elections Office, it is reviewed by at least two people on the Absentee Ballot Board. Trained election judges and other trained auditors serve on the Ballot Board. The review ensures the person is eligible to vote and the person voting is the one who requested the ballot. After the ballot is accepted, it is placed on the Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS). The System ensures that someone cannot vote again on Election Day or request an additional absentee ballot.

Voters can track their ballot and confirm it was received and counted. Sign up for ballot tracking at

A reminder to all voters:  Over 30 years ago, Minnesotans voted to dedicate a portion of state lottery proceeds to conservation. Since then, it’s provided over $1 billion for our Great Outdoors. In November, a question to renew this funding will be on the front of every Minnesotan’s ballot. To ensure this critical funding source remains dedicated for the Great Outdoors, over 50% of voters must vote “YES.” Leaving the question blank counts as a “No” vote. If it doesn’t pass, the constitutional protection for this important conservation funding will expire.  For more information:

In the past couple of years there have been changes to Minnesota voting rules. As with any change, people have questions. The League of Voters Park Rapids Area is a non-partisan organization and a source of accurate information about voting. If you have specific questions, email The League of Women Voters of Minnesota has been a trusted source of voter information for over 100 years, and serves communities across the state to ensure free, fair and secure elections.

FYI: Early Voting In Person Location & Hours:
Hubbard County Courthouse - 301 Court Ave., Park Rapids
September 20, 2024 through November 4 -

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 26, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 2, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 3, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday, November 4, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.